Congress Heights on the Rise

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Dear Washington Post: Pretty please with sugar on top, get a neighborhood map!

Dear Washington Post Writers, I know you read my blog and I am really happy about that but for the love of baby animals, CAN YOU PLEASE COMPREHEND THAT 'ANACOSTIA' IS NOT THE NAME OF ALL OF WARD 8 OR THE NAME OF ALL THE LAND EAST OF THE RIVER! Anacostia is the name of  a river and a neighborhood. It is impossible for Congress Heights to be IN Anacostia. Anacostia is two neighborhoods away from Congress Heights. Think "Dupont Circle in Columbia Heights" - it's absurd.  Please stop. We are constantly having to correct folks as it is, it doesn't help when  you report inaccurately like this. Therefore do us a solid and learn the geography! Just because everyone else does it does not make it right.

The Advoc8te

P.S. The same goes for those working on the Saint E's redevelopment project! Saint Elizabeths is in the CONGRESS HEIGHTS neighborhood of Ward 8. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Go HERE to read the Washington Post article, In St. Elizabeths project, opportunities for many

Article excerpt:
"There's great opportunity with a great challenge," said Peck, commissioner of public buildings for the General Services Administration. "How do you take a secure campus and still make it a catalyst for development in Anacostia?"

Article excerpt:
" Anacostia is a risky bet when downtown landlords can barely fill their office space, the condo market is dead and the renaissance around the ballpark is stuck."

View Where is Congress Heights? in a larger map

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