Congress Heights on the Rise

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What is going on (or not going on) with Congress Heights Main Streets?

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I  have been spending a lot of time in Anacostia. Between Big Chair Coffee, the art galleries and Fireside cafe,  Anacostia has definetly been getting a lot of my duckets as of late, which is a good thing.  However, when I drive down the bustling and charming shops along Anacostia's portion of MLK toward Congress Heights I am made very aware just how shabby our end of MLK looks.

If Anacostia is Cinderella getting ready for the ball then the Congress Heights portion of the MLK main street is looking more and more like the ugly step-sister on her way to....nevermind, this is a family blog.

What is going (or not going on) with Congress Heights Main Streets?

The non-profit received several grants including one for $250,000 (that's right a quarter of a million dollars)  to improve the main street and business facades but if $250,000 was spent (and word on the street is that CHMS is broke) then I don't know where the money went but it damn sure didn't go to improving our portion of MLK.

The Advoc8te checked out the Congress Heights Main Street somewhat outdated and patchwork  website for answers and is still just as confused as ever.  One thing is abundantly clear (and fankly a little puzzling), the only photograph of a Congress Heights business is the Bunn Building (owned by James Bunn, Chairman of the CHMS Executive Board). I'm not sure what to make of that... I suppose that makes the Bunn Building the jewel in the Main Streets crown however it still makes me a little uneasy...more than a little uneasy if I were to be frank.  It brings to mind that "conflict of interest" seminar I was required to attend in my corporate days.

The last thing  I heard about CHMS is in January 2010 when the non-profit was advertising for a new Executive Director. No word if an Executive Director was hired. FYI - Congress Heights Main Streets and the Ward 8 Business Council also helmed by James Bunn both share office space at 3119 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave SE. I tried to go to the Ward 8 Business Council website to see if they had any information and their website is no longer up.

Does anyone have the skinny on what is going on with Congress Heights Main Streets?
Inquiring minds (and businesses) want to know.

From the Congress Heights Main Streets website:

Congress Heights Main Streets is open for business. This organization is designed to support the establishment and implementation of lasting, comprehensive revitalization in the Congress Heights business district.

Congress Heights Main Streets vision is to build a world class corridor for business retail and comercial development.

Mission Statement
Congress Heights Main Streets works in partnership with the business community, property owners and residents to foster economic development and improve the business corridor as well as to attract new business and create a flourishing commercial and retail environment in the Congress Heights business district and its neighboring business communities.

Corporate Values
The corporate values for Congress Heights Main Streets are as followed:

•Congress Heights Main Streets operates in accordance with the highest standards in all relationships with local businesses, the DC Government, our partners and the community.
•Congress Heights Main Streets fosters a climate which encourages economic development and commercial revitalization.

Business Objectives
The long term business objectives for Congress Heights Main Streets are as follows:

•To aggressively expand the businesses in the targeted Congress Heights area
•To become the leading Main Street East of the River to promote district and federal partnerships with local businesses.
Congress Heights Main Street Board of Directors (no idea how up to date this list is

James Bunn, Chair
Ward 8 Business Council
3119 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 562-1671

Jennifer Carter, Co-Chair of Promotions Committee
New System Demolition, Inc.
3127 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 391-6533 (office)

Mary Cuthbert, Vice-Chair
3325 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 246-9410

Nathanial Howard, Chair of Economic Restructuring Committee
Congress Heights Citizens Association
3004-9th Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 561-6675 (home) (202) 691-6944 (work)

Virginia Majors, Secretary
Farmers Market
3301-5th Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 669-7005 (cell)

Linda Martin, Co-Chair of Promotions Committee
P.O. Box 1945
Rockville, Maryland 20849
(240) 370-3812 (cell)

Jose Muse, Chair of Organization Committee Urban Oasis
3109 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E. Suite 13
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 562-0201

Sam Foster Concerned Citizens Against Alcohol And Drug Abuse
3115 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20032
Office: (202) 563-3210
Fax: (202) 562-8016

Brenda Lee Richardson Office of Councilmember Marion Barry
2100 MLK Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Suite 307
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 698-1666

Robin Anderson
Giant Food
Landover, Maryland
(301) 801-7086
James Bunn, Chair

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