Congress Heights on the Rise

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D.C. neighborhood fund open for development bids - Washington Business Journal:

D.C. neighborhood fund open for development bids - Washington Business Journal:

Builders in a dozen D.C. neighborhoods are eligible to apply for up to $145,000 in pre-development grant money through the D.C. Neighborhood Investment Fund.

The fund, created as part of the agreement to build Nationals Park, has $5.2 million available this round to support development of either affordable housing projects of at least 10 units, facilities providing community benefits or mixed-use projects that propose some combination of housing, office space and community facilities.

Projects must be in one of 12 neighborhoods to qualify: Anacostia, Bellevue, Bloomingdale/Eckington, Brightwood/Upper Georgia Avenue, Brookland/Edgewood, Columbia Heights, Congress Heights, Deanwood Heights, H Street NE, Logan Circle, Shaw and Washington Highlands.

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