Congress Heights on the Rise

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Request for snow pictures of River East and the great snowball fight in Randle Circle.

As I was wrapping a Calvin Klein scarf around my dogs neck just to take him on his walk -10 feet from my front door - I realized chances were rather slim I would make it to today's River East snowball fight in Randle Circle in Fort Dupont Park. According to the snowball fight Facebook page there appears to be a lot of trash talking. As of 12:30pm about 36 die hard snowball fighters have RSVP'd with another 55 "Maybes". It also sounds like another snowball battle is being coordinated at the Hillcrest Rec center which is more accessible by the folks at Fairfax Village and Naylor Gardens - both who seem eager to deliver a snowball sandwich to each other. Let the games begin!

Stay tuned for all the snow day festivities.

Please send your snow day/fight pics to  Please include the location and your name if you want photo credit.

The Advoc8te

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