Congress Heights on the Rise

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It's high time the Ward 8 Democrats do the right thing before it's too late. More than just our credibility is on the line.

On Saturday I missed another Ward 8 Democrats meeting (more on that later - I forsee a long blog post on the subject) and for that I am super sorry because one of my favorite writers Colbert King came to speak - if I had any idea he was going to be there I would have been in the front row wearing my "I love Colbert King" t-shirt. From what I heard he basically told the Ward 8 Dems and Ward 8 in general to step up - stop pussy footin and put the smack down on "Barryfoolery" (I just made that word up but I think it fits). To be honest that is probably the #1 reason that I and many of the young go-getters that I know don't attend Ward 8 Dem meetings (that and the episodes of tomfoolery).  Depsite the great potential to do some great things with all due respect The Ward 8 Dems don't seem to carry much weight, they seem slow to get in touch and inspire tomorrow's leaders today and to be quite honest they seem to struggle with finding their own identity - seperate from Barry. It's all well and good to invite people to attend meetings but folks need to feel inspired and right now they just aren't feeling inspired that the Ward 8 Dems in their current incarnation is capable to do that, especailly when at any moment they can be called out for not living here long enough. That gets old real quick and most folks (myself included) just don't want to be bothered when there are many other organizations that are ready, willing and able to accept you and your efforts with open arms.

Anyhoo back to my literary crush Mr. King.

Luckily for me Mr. King posted his remarks on his WashPo article. I am including an excerpt of my most favorite part and including a link to the full remarks below. Check it out.

I would really love to hear Mr. King speak at Big Chair Coffee. Sometimes I wish I could win the lottery and clone myself so I could coordinate all the things I really want to do in and for the River East community. 

Here is an excerpt of his remarks.  Every man, woman and child in Ward 8 should be required to read this and be inspired to "do the right thing" - stand up for their community and demand more from ourselves and from our leaders and not be afraid to tell them (loud and clear) that they are "past it".

Community that can come together to make decisions on matters that affect it is a community empowered.

Which gets me to the Ward 8 Dems in this African American History month.

As a political organization, your concern should not be limited to winning elections. As a major community institution, you have to change the perception that some others have about Ward 8.

You must show that Ward 8 is not a marginalized section of the city, dependent soley on the charity of people west of RFK stadium.

Ward 8 must have a positive self-image, clear of the stigma political corruption and self-dealing. Residents are so much better than the face of Ward 8 on display in the John Wilson Building.

You can confirm that statement.

In a few days, Councilmember Barry is expected to respond to the devastating special counsel report on his conduct in office.

I understand that Ward 8 Dems will consider his response and take a position shortly thereafter.

Marion Barry may be the agenda item.

But at stake is whether you will make a difference politically in this ward.

At issue is whether you are strong and courageous enough to hold your leaders accountable -- whether Ward 8 Dems are politically empowered or a marginalized group at someone else's beck and call.

The whole city will be watching.

Much of the history of this city has been recorded. You now have an opportunity to add your own chapter.

I hope that when future generations look back at this month, they will say that the Ward 8 Democrats did their part to move this city forward toward a brighter, and honorable, future.

That will, indeed, mark African American History month 2010 in Washington, D.C. as a time to be remembered.

Thank you very much, and God Bless Ward 8.

Go HERE to read his full remarks.

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