Congress Heights on the Rise

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IN PICTURES: Sat, Feb 20th - Leo Alexander River East Meet and Greet @ Big Chair Coffee n' Grill in Historic Anacostia

On Saturday, Feb 16th from 2pm - 6pm DC Mayoral Candidate Leo Alexander held a special Meet and Greet event for River East residents and bloggers at the upstairs lounge of Big Chair Coffee n' Grill in Historic Anacostia. Mr. Alexander sat down for an intimate conversation with River East residents to discuss his hopes, plans, and concerns for the District of Columbia. The upstairs lounge was quickly filled to capacity - and then some -  with River East residents who were eager to engage in a dialogue about their concerns with their east of the river communities and the District of Columbia as a whole.  Coincidently (or not) Councilmember Barry arrived shortly before the event and was enjoying a latte downstairs at the bar, but that did not stop Ward 8 residents from being very vocal in their displeasure with Councilmember Barry, his inner circle and the revelations concerning his handling of personal services contracts and non-profits. The term "poverty pimps" was mentioned more than once (of course several times by yours truly).

The Advoc8te will be posting a seven part series of video clips of the event shortly.

Next Sunday, Feb 28th from 2-4pm, Clark Ray, candidate for the DC At-Large Council seat will be hosting his River East Meet and Greet at Big Chair Coffee. River East residents are invited to attend and discuss with Clark Ray their hopes and concerns for their communities.

After seeing the success (politically and personally) of such Meet and Greets organized specifically for the River East community The Advoc8te has to wonder, "With the Mayor's current free fall in approval ratings with the Black and River East community, when and if the Fenty Administration is prepared to hold such an event at Big Chair?" If so The Advoc8te would love to hear from Fenty's staff,

Inquiring minds - and voters - want to know.

P.S. The Advoc8te would like to thank both the Leo Alexander and the Clark Ray campaign for being so receptive and enthusiastic when I suggested that they should hold "Meet and Greet" receptions for River East at Big Chair. So often residents in our River East communities are overlooked when it comes to  the politcal process because there is this misconception that East of the River is neither interested nor engaged in our political future and that just is not true. Judging by the quantity and quality of the comments and questions posed by those in attendance River East in fact has a lot to say.

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