Congress Heights on the Rise

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Car totally engulfed in flames feet from Councilmember Marion Barry’s home.

The Advoc8te took a walk around the neighborhood this evening and discovered this burned out shell of a car less than 30 feet from Councilman Marion Barry's back door. The smell of smoke still hung heavy in the air but fortunately there didn't appear to be any burned up bodies in the car. According to some people in the neighborhood the car caught on fire sometime this morning, the occupants jumped out the car (no word  if anyone was harmed), yet it is unclear if the fire department responded to put out the flames. When I asked some neighbors if they were surprised that the car was still in the middle of the street and that it didn't seem like the fire department responded one said, "This is Southeast - they don't care." Makes you wonder. One thing is abundantly clear, that the burned out car still remains where it caught on fire in the middle of 4th Street SE between Orange and Oakwood Streets SE making it impossible for cars to pass up that section of road.

Makes you wonder if the "Mayor for Life" is aware of what is happening right in his own back yard.

Just sayin'

P.S. The Advoc8te is totally aware of the likelihood - and irony-  of this story getting picked up because "Marion Barry" was in the headline. I can already imagine the news truck racing down Oakwood Street…if so I hope they can give a hand to the guy in the white panel truck who is stuck in the intersection. Lord only knows when we will see a snowplow.

2/11/10 EDITORS NOTE: To be clear the neighbors claim the car caught fire early Wed morning.

The vehicle (with Maryland tags) is totally burned out.
Even after sitting on the street all day you can still smell the smoke
The interior is totally burned out.

4th Street SE
View from Barry's backyard
Barry's backyard on the left

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