Congress Heights on the Rise

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You're invited! Monday night "Happy Hour" at the (coffee) bar.

So Big Chair Coffee doesn’t serve alcohol - yet. However, it does have all the key ingredients that go into a really fun Happy Hour: a great location, delicious food and drinks, and as of Monday - extended evening hours. Now that BCC has extended their operating hours until 9pm daily they have literally opened the door to becoming the place to be for the River East “after work” crowd.

Now we - the local consumer - need to do our part. We need to demonstrate (yet again) what we already know,  that there is a huge market in River East/East of the River for the types of quality businesses and services that are taken for granted west of the Anacostia. If Big Chair Coffee achieves success with these later evening hours perhaps other River East businesses will be so inclined to rethink how they do business in River East and will  upgrade or expand their services. As great as Big Chair Coffee is, River East is still in desperate need of more shops, restaurants and yes...even bars to service our community. Currently River East is totally devoid of a significant nightlife and in order to make the type of economic, racial and community development progress that is needed we need to cultivate more East of the River business options and services.

With that in mind, and to celebrate the extended evening hours at Big Chair Coffee n’ Grill please spread the word about the new hours and invite your friends, your boo, or the girl (or boy) next door and have them meet you at Big Chair Coffee  this Monday, January 25th after work (or after you finish looking for work – this is a recession after all).

P.S. For the men out there, nothing says “Hi there” to a lady in a coffee shop like sending over a caramel latte. I’m just sayin’.  :)

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