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VIDEO: Dog Fighting in Washington DC

I love animals, especailly dogs, and it breaks my heart to see them being exploited, maimed or killed. Dog fighting is only for the morally and ethically bankrupt - it serves no logical purpose.   In my opinion,  "people" (and I use that term loosely) that fight dogs or who bet on dog fights are the scum of the earth, in my book  they are on the same level of child molestors for they exploit the weakest members of our society.  I've seen a lot of pitbulls in Ward 8, many in the care of teenage boys often too small to even restrain them properly if something were to go wrong. It makes me wonder how many are being used as fighting dogs...or worse... bait dogs.

If you know or even suspect an animal is being abused or neglected please contact the Washington Human Society ASAP!

The Washington Humane Society's Humane Law Enforcement program works hard to bring justice to abused animals in the city. Too often, an animal is beaten or otherwise abused by an unknown assailant. In the hopes of finding these abusers the Humane Law Enforcement Program maintains the Justice Fund from which rewards are offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of animal abusers. For information on donating to this fund as well as the general Humane Law Enforcement Fund, see our Donation page.

Anyone can report abuse (or even suspected abuse) to the Washington Humane Society 24- hours a day. You don't need to leave your name, just tell us where the animal is and what the problem is. We will send someone to investigate. By law, people in the District of Columbia need to provide their animals with proper food, fresh water, shelter from the elements, adequate and clean space, and veterinary care when needed.
If you know of an animal who is being denied these things, please call us.
24 Hours/Day
7 Days/Week