Congress Heights on the Rise

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TONIGHT @ 6:30PM: Community Meeting on DC Healthy Schools, Youth

From: St Teresa of Avila Health Ministry & Metro Washington Public Health Association's Committee on Food & Environment (formerly Food & Nutrition)

RE: Community Organizing for Healthy Schools for our Boys and Girls in DC

Dear Friends,

THIS THURSDAY, 6:30pm, You're Invited to the Community Meeting on DC Healthy Schools, Youth

Next to AIDS, DC ranks top 10 in childhood obesity. Did you know that some DC schools don't have kitchens? Do you believe our youth deserve more than hot fritos and soda for breakfast? Learn more about the DC Healthy Schools Act coming up in February 9th in DC City Council and what you can do for DC youth, because they are our future. Invited guests include Common Good City Farms, Thurgood Marshall Academy's Green Club, DC Field to Fork Network will share local efforts in improving healthy schools and youth.

Come to the community meeting this Thursday 6:30pm in the St Teresa of Avila Hall at 13th & V St SE Washington, DC just one block from the Big Chair. Street parking and refreshments available.

DIRECTIONS: Take Anacostia Metro & any bus going towards Good Hope Rd SE or walk 10 min on MLK Rd and make a right on V St SE near Fireside Restaurant.

CONTACT INFO: For more info, contact Tambra Stevenson, STA Health Ministry Member and MWPHA Committee Chair on Food and Environment at 202-236-0371 or

To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email .

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