Congress Heights on the Rise

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There is no such thing as the United States of Anacostia

Anacostia is the name of:
a) a river
b) a neighborhood
c) a subway station
d) East of the River/Southeast
e) a,b, and c

If you picked "e" (river, neighborhood, subway station) then you know more than your average "local" reporter.  You deserve a "Big Chair" sized gold star.

Contrary to popular belief Anacostia does not include all lands east of the Anacostia River. I have never had to whip out my passport to travel to Anacostia, and despite Marion Barry's ego,  there is no Anacostian royal family; therefore, I think it's pretty safe to say Anacostia doesn’t qualify as a country. I know this is going to sound strange but sometimes when I read certain articles about East of the River and the writer makes all these overly broad, unnecessary, geographically inaccurate references to "Anacostia", "Anacostia" starts sounding a hell of a lot like one giant plantation. I almost feel like checking for my freedom papers.

So once more I would like to remind those that cover East of the River/River East/Southeast/Ward 8/Ward 7 news that Anacostia is a NEIGHBORHOOD in Ward 8. It is impossible for Congress Heights, Barry Farm, Washington Highlands or any of the 20 or so River East neighborhoods to be located within the boundaries of Anacostia. It's kind of like saying "DuPont Circle in Columbia Heights", it's not only incorrect it's insulting. Therefore, I am pleading for reporters -especially local reporters - to either invest in a good neighborhood map or help East of the River secede from the union to become the "United States of Anacostia" ; in which case, I would like to suggest that our national flag be a picture of the Big Chair, we hold senate hearings at the IHOP,  and I nominate myself First Lady of Congress Heights.

If you are writing for any news publication that has "Washington", "District of Columbia" or "DC" anywhere in the title you really have no excuse for getting this so wrong.  So please,  for the love of baby animals,  please do me a solid and let’s lay off of "Anacostia"...unless you are writing about Anacostia (the neighorhood, the river or the subway station).

Class dismissed!

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