Congress Heights on the Rise

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The River East Recap: Did anyone say " Big Chair Coffee?"

Clearly that was a rhetorical question. LOL. The River East blogosphere has been positively abuzz with positive feedback on Big Chair Coffee n’ Grill. Now that we have gotten that out of the way let’s see what else is going on in River East.

LIFE IN THE VILLAGE brings up a great point. With unemployment on the rise why aren’t more River Easters getting on their “grind”. Ms. V suggests River East is in need of a personal assistant/concierge business. The Advoc8te couldn’t agree more and while we are at it we can use a local dog walking service. The Advoc8te will do almost anything to avoid dog walking duty.

AND NOW, ANACOSTIA keeps us up to date on the construction progress at 2345 MLK Ave. Although there is still no word on the final design the word on the street is that the building will be residential over retail and office space.

ANACOSTIA QUE contemplates the record breaking unemployment rates and its effect on River East progress. Best quote: “Everybody wants good schools, safe environments, better amenities, etc... The imbalance (i.e., too many mom and pops, too many churches, too many social service agencies too much subsidized housing, etc.) is something to eradicate as well. While some level of support services is okay, Ward 8 seems to take on more than its fair share. NIMBY is always a factor.” The Advoc8te says “Amen.”

BARRY FARM (RE) MIXED discusses the Haiti relief efforts and discusses her own contribution to an organization called Architecture For Humanity (AFH) a nonprofit who primarily works in the reconstruction phase of post disaster situations.

To contact The Advoc8te or to submit an article for posting on Congress Heights on the Rise email .

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