Congress Heights on the Rise

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I AM WARD 8! Markus Batchelor of Congress Heights

It’s a new year filled with so much potential. The spirit of change and progress is alive and well and growing stronger every day. It brings me much pleasure to present the first “I am Ward 8” honoree of 2010, Markus Batchelor of Congress Heights.

Markus is not only the first “I am Ward 8” honoree of 2010 but at 16 years of age he is also our youngest. This young man is definitely on the move and is a great example of young people taking the initiative and becoming the "change that we seek". There are defiantly great things in this young man’s future. Among Markus’s many accomplishments he was elected and currently serves as the 52nd Youth Mayor of the District of Columbia and had founded and currently serves as the Executive Director of Teenocracy, "a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization that strives to provide a comprehensive explanation of the workings of politics, government and the political system to Washington, D.C. youth, ages 14-18 years of age." To learn more about Teenocracy including how to join or to make a donation visit their website,  or follow them on Twitter.

1. Name/Age/Occupation.
Markus Batchelor, 16 years old, 52nd Youth Mayor of the District of Columbia and Executive Director of Teenocracy

2. Your Neighborhood?
Savannah Heights (Congress Heights)

3. What Brought You to Ward 8?
Birth. I was born in 1993 at Greater Southeast Community Hospital and have lived in Congress Heights all of my life, first on Orange Street SE and now on 4th ST SE near Ballou High School.

4. How Long have you lived in Ward 8?
All my life, give or take about a year or two.

5. What do you think is the biggest misconception about Ward 8?
That it is an all-around negative part of the city. Ward 8, despite its setbacks, is culturally diverse, with great people who contribute so much to the city presently and in the past.

6. What is your favorite thing about Ward 8?
The history. I love going different places and being able to tell people about the contributions of persons from Ward 8. The role of the Ward and landscape to the rest of the city in time of war and peace and to the events that changed history are exciting stories to tell.

7. Your Wish for Ward 8?
That residents who live here and people who visit Washington begin to pay more attention to the rich history and distinct culture that Ward 8 provides and that residents of Ward 8 realize that the setbacks that we face can only be solved when we who face them and live them begin to care and tackle the issues.

8. Which do you prefer? East of the River, East Washington or River East?
I would have to say my favorite has been River East, but East of the River is a close second.