Congress Heights on the Rise

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City Paper picks up on my "Hailing while black" post and gets my perspective on racial progress

I did an interview this morning with Erika Niedowski of the Washington City Paper about my earlier blog post on hailing while black and hailing while black going to Southeast.  We had a great discussion on my perspective of racial progress as a woman of color and sometimes as a woman of color trying (sometimes unsuccessfully) to hail a cab on DC streets. If you have a chance read the article and I would really like to hear your thoughts.  Including an excerpt and a link to the WCP article.

Article Excerpt:
Yes, D.C. resident Nikki Peele thinks race relations have improved and, yes, she would count herself among those African-Americans who see themselves as better off than they were five years ago. With optimism for still better things ahead. But. There's a but.

It involves the story of hailing a cab. And when she's done telling it, the progress of which she earlier spoke doesn't seem so tangible—even to her.

"Despite the fact that I have a college degree—I guess I'd be considered a professional person, I have this look of 'I've accomplished something'—at the end of the day when I'm on the corner trying to hail a cab to get to my next destination, I'm smacked in the face again," says Peele, who writes as the Advoc8te at Congress Heights on the Rise.

In other words, she has one hell of a time getting a cab.

Go HERE to continue reading.

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