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THE SEXIST BLOG: Five Questions for Deez Nuts: “It’s About All the Things That Affect These Nuts”

Posted by Amanda Hess on Dec. 28, 2009, at 1:08 pm

Deez Nuts, the local theater production being billed as the “all male spin to the Vagina Monologues,” debuts this weekend at Dance Place. John Johnson, the 29-year-old Anacostia resident who created the show, says that Deez Nuts will touch on all issues relevant to D.C.’s male population—from HIV to skinny jeans to Marion Barry to “no homo” to abortion. Today, Johnson spoke to the Sexist about the origins of the show’s title, various “things that affect these nuts,” and the prospects for an all-female “Deez Ovaries.”

City Paper: Deez Nuts. What does the title of the piece mean?

John Johnson: “Deez Nuts” is just like, D.C. . . . I’m sure everywhere people say “Deez Nuts,” but when I was in high school, it was like a refrain. “Guess what? Deeeeez nuuuuuts!” It was more of a chant or a cadence. People are familiar with it, you know what I mean? And it refers to a dude’s testicles. So it’s a witty title for a show that talks about men’s experiences.

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Sat Jan 2 2010 8:00PM
Sun Jan 3 2010 4:00PM *Which coincidently is The Advoc8te's birthday I may have to check this out lol
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