Congress Heights on the Rise

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Tonight one of The Advoc8te's dear friends and fellow River East  bloggers was robbed during his Christmas party. The Advoc8te needs your help to identify tonight's robbers.

Tonight (12/18) after midnight 4  masked gunman interupted a houseparty in Historic Anacostia  and robbed guests of their purses and ipods. The suspects are described as 4 black males between the ages of 19 - 24.  Some where wearing scarves and the others ski masks. At least one of the robbers pulled a gun and got away with purses, wallets and ipods.  If you have any information about tonight's robbery (or any crime for that matter)  please contact the 7th District police department or call 9-1-1-. The robbery occured after midnight tonight (12./19) in a private residence in Anacostia.

We can not let these criminals intimidate us or get away with crime. We need to put the 'smack down' on them and let them know that WE ARE NOT AFRAID AND WE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SEE THEM LOCKED UP!

It's a damn shame that a few cowardly criminals are giving our community such a bad name - especailly at this time of season; when we should be focused on giving and not taking. Please do your part to bring these criminals to justice.

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Hehts Examiner website,

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