Congress Heights on the Rise

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I AM WARD 8! Jamilah Fagbene of Washington Highlands

Our December “I am Ward 8” spotlight shines on Jamilah Fagbene of the Washington Highlands neighborhood. In addition to her long list of accomplishments, Jamilah writes the very insightful River East blog, River East Idealist. If you haven't had a chance to read River East Idealist, be sure to do so today.

I had the pleasure of working with Jamilah on the steering committee for the River East Emerging Leaders and she represents all that is great about people in Ward 8.  She is caring, dedicated and enormously talented. I always say that if they sold a Jamilah Fagbene doll I would buy two because she is just  so fantastic. I am much honored to have Jamilah as this month’s I am Ward 8.

1. Your Name/Age/Occupation
Jamilah Fagbene/24/International Affairs Specialist

2. Your Neighborhood?
Washington Highlands

3. What brought you to Ward 8?
I came to Ward 8 looking for homeownership opportunities. I was hesitant at first, but a colleague from graduate school, also a resident of Ward 8, invited me to her Washington Highlands condo. I fell in love with the community on my first visit.

4. How long have you lived in Ward 8?
3 eye-opening years.

5. What do you think is the biggest misconception about Ward 8?
The biggest misconception is the caliber of residents. There're all types of people in Ward 8, and many of us are federal employees, attorneys, educators, engineers, performing artists etc. We are not all gun-toting, baby-making, Marion Barry-loving folks. We work hard and we want our community to be safe, culturally stimulating, and economically successful like other parts of the city. We welcome newcomers and their ideas!

6. What is your favorite thing about Ward 8?
My favorite thing about Ward 8 is opportunity. Our community provides tremendous homeownership and business opportunities to young people in the DMV who are interesting is building wealth and contributing to the community. Whatever one's talent, it can be put to good use in Ward 8!

7. Your wish for Ward 8?
I wish the schools improve. I want the children to grow to be young people of character. I also want to see job creation and wealth generation for Ward 8 residents.

8. Which do you prefer? East of the River, East Washington or River East?
I strongly prefer River East! But East Washington is also appropriate.

I am Ward 8, Jamilah Fagbene.

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