Congress Heights on the Rise

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53,000 Pageviews And Still Going Strong!

Although I started Congress Heights on the Rise in the Summer of 2008 I didn't start tracking site traffic until the middle of January 2009. It still amazes me the interest folks have in what was initially created to be a little community blog. A lot has happened in 2009: I have evolved from the dog-in-a-wig profile picture (I really miss that dog) to Catwoman, the blog moved from  to , and best of all I feel like the CHOTR readers have really gotten engaged in participating on the blog. It seems much less like my blog and much more like OUR blog.

The Advoc8te would like to thank everyone for their continued interest and support of CHOTR. For the past 11 months that web traffic has been recorded,  CHOTR has had over 53,000 Pageviews and over 21,000 Absolute Unique Visitors! That's pretty amazing and it couldn't have been done without the support of all the wonderful readers and bloggers who have been so kind to link to CHOTR.

So from The Advco8te, "Thank you all and have a wonderful holiday season!”

Your neighborhood 'caped crusader',
The Advoc8te

P.S. Thanks for hanging in there with all my typos and grammatical errors, sometimes you just don't have time to run spell check when you are saving the world. LOL.