Congress Heights on the Rise

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Yup... Hating Fox 5 News Again

Fox 5 News is really tap dancing on my last nerve. It was bad enough when they posted an article about 7 people shot in Southeast - when it happened in Northeast but they have totally overlooked that CHOTR was in fact the first one to report publicly that Councilmember Barry was filming a reality show.  Don't get me wrong - DCist did call and confirm the story but if this blog hadn't posted the story in the first place no one would have known about it and Fox 5 lifted directly from my post. Why does this tick me off? Because  for me I think that the blogs - especailly the River East blogs - stepped in to fill a huge gap left by mainstream media when it came to River East news.  Local media outlets  like Fox 5 who very rarely cover Ward 8 news unless it involves crime or Marion Barry shenanigans.  It's almost as if they don't think there are other interesting things happening in Ward 8 - like the fact that we have stepped up and begun reporting our own news. I can think of 30 other very interesting stories surrounding Ward 8 that would make great stories - but they wouldn't fit the mold of what local news has gotten used to reporting about Ward 8 and I guess that wouldn't make them 'news-worthy' stories. Don't believe it? We have been talking about the shenanigans surrounding Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C for almost two years and asking for an investigation into where these tens of thousands of dollars for 'office rent' have been going and not once has any media outlet looked into the story - despite numerous requests to do so.

Anyhoo...just my 2 cents.