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Looking for Distinguished DC Goverment Employees! Five winners will receive $7,500!

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Our office runs the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Awards for Distinguished DC Government Employees which recognizes outstanding DC government employees. The winners will not only receive recognition for their dedication to our city but will also get a cash prize of $7,500. We are accepting nominations until December 11th. I’m hoping you can help us spread the word about this program and the importance of nominating someone by adding a post about the awards to your blog. I’m including the information below as well as attaching the press release here.

Thank you!

Any full-time employee of the District of Columbia government who is not serving as a Cabinet-level appointee or department deputy is eligible for an award. The employee must have at least five years of continuous employment with the District government. Volunteers, temporary, or contract workers are not eligible to participate. Teachers and principals are also not eligible.

Five winners will be selected for the 2010 Awards. Each of the five winners will receive a $7,500 cash award, along with a commemorative plate and certificate. In addition to the selected winners, fifteen finalists will also be recognized. The winners and finalists, along with colleagues and families, will be honored at a gala event next summer.

The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, sponsor of the program, along with The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, will be working with prominent public management professionals in the area to select each Cafritz Awards recipient. Nominees must demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas by having:

· Solved an extraordinary problem or achieved a significantly difficult goal.
· Performed an outstanding act that brought positive recognition to the City.
· Successfully initiated and implemented an innovative idea that brought about dramatic results.
· Consistently achieved excellence in overall job performance that is “above and beyond the call of duty.”
· Demonstrated outstanding and inspirational leadership that dramatically improved employee morale and team spirit.

Nominations for the Cafritz Awards are welcomed from citizens, community and business stakeholders, civic organizations, and government employees. Self-nominations are also encouraged. Nominations will be accepted until December 11, 2009. For more information and to nominate someone who makes life better for the people of DC, visit  or contact .

Colleen Oakes
Executive Training Manager
The Center for Excellence in Public Leadership
The George Washington University
2033 K ST NW, Suite 240 Washington, DC 20052
tel. 202-994-5392
fax 202-994-5389
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