Congress Heights on the Rise

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Let's give BARRY FARM (re)MIXED a hand...or a lawn mower!

Our dear pal and neighbor UrbanArchitect who writes  Barry Farm (re)Mixed  wrote a very honest and heartfelt post last week about the challenges of living in a financially strapped condominium in the midst of the worst ecomony in decades.  During that post a comment was made by a reader to perhaps ask for volunteers both from within the condominium and the community to do a community cleanup of the property. 

UrbanArchitect has gotten together a small group of residents to help with the cleanup and  now she is asking for some kind hearted souls in the community to volunteer some of their time - and hopefully some yard tools to the cleanup efforts.  The Advoc8te will be there to offer her assistance and hopes that some other folks in the community would be moved to help out as well.  We are all in these together and should be willing to give each other a hand - or a rake- to keep our community clean.

To read the Barry Farm (re)Mixed post and find out how you can lend a hand - or some yard tools - go HERE. Perhaps this can be the begining of neighbors helping neighbors on a regular basis!

You can also contact UrbanArchitect at .

Thank you all!

-The Advoc8te

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