Congress Heights on the Rise

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How To Avoid Becoming A Carjacking Victim

The last thing that The Advoc8te wants to post on the blog are tips to avoid being robbed but unfortunately there have been a string of armed robberies and carjackings in the area. On my block which has generally been a quiet and safe street there have been two armed carjackings in less than a week - one occurring in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon. Luckily,  neither victim was injured and the police have stepped up patrols but understandably the crimes have residents on edge and anxious for the perpetrators to be caught. Unfortunately, with the days becoming darker sooner and Christmas right around the corner crooks are taking advantage when they can so everyone needs to remain vigilant - it doesn't matter if you live in Southeast or Northeast criminals are everywhere and so are potential victims.

I did some research and found some  carjacking/robbery prevention tips.

Walk with a purpose and STAY ALERT Be wary of people asking for directions or handing out fliers. TRUST YOU’RE INSTINCTS! If something makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, get into your car as quickly as possible, lock the doors and drive away. ALWAYS approach your car with the key in your hand. Look around,under and inside the car before you get in. ALWAYS keep your doors locked and windows rolled up (if it’s hot and you don’t have air conditioning, roll them up at lease part way). Drive in the center lane to make it harder for potential carjackers to approach the car.

For more information contact Community Outreach Specialist Bob Nixon on 202-698-1452.

You can reduce your chances for carjacking by taking the following steps:

•Keep doors and windows locked when driving.
•When stopped, allow at least one car length between you and the car in front of you. This allows you room to maneuver, if it becomes necessary.
•If you can't drive away from a threatening situation, draw attention to yourself-- honk your horn or yell. Remain in your locked car if possible.
•Keep your purse and other valuables out of view while driving.
•Drive in the center lane if possible to avoid being pushed onto the shoulder.
•Don't stop at isolated pay phones or cash machines.
•Keep a lookout if you see a stranger approaching your car. If you're in the car, drive away as quickly as possible. Walk away from the car if you're outside.
•Above all, don't resist an armed suspect. Your car isn't worth risking personal injury.
  • Try to stay calm. Don't make any sudden movements to upset the robber.
  • Do exactly as you are told. DO NOT RESIST!
  • Activate your alarm ONLY if you can do so secretly.
  • Tell the robber about anything that might surprise him, such as someone who is expected to arrive soon.
  • If you have to move or reach, tell the robber what you are going to do and why.
  • Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe him later.
  • Don't be a hero. It's better to lose your money than your life.
  • Give the robber time to leave.
  • Note his direction of travel when he leaves.
  • Try to get a description of his vehicle ONLY if you can do so without exposing yourself to harm.
For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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