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ABC 7 News wants to make sure that you know only bad things happen in Southeast

The following  ABC 7 News segment is titled, “Rock Throwing Incidents Reported in SE Neighborhood".

Raise your hand if you think you can guess what my beef is with this story.

I will give you a hint.  Count how many times the story mentions that the incident occurred in Southeast (5) as opposed to the Capitol Hill neighborhood where the incident actually occurred (1).

To be fair, Capitol Hill is technically in the Southeast quadrant of the city but you kind of get the feeling that isn't why they were so adamant about peppering "SE" comments and captions throughout the segment.

If anyone from ABC News 7 is watching let me suggest renaming this segment, "Rock Throwing Incidents Reported in SE Neighborhood Capitol Hill".

Unless of course, there was a specific reason that the powers that be at ABC 7 News thought it was more important (or 'newsworthy') to keep reiterating  that this incident occurred in Southeast- as opposed to just being specific (and much more accurate)  by stating that  this incident occurred in... Capitol Hill! Heaven forbid that anyone thinks anything criminal or inconvenient ever happens in Capital Hill.  Just lump it all together with Southeast - who would care?

Perhaps all the local news stations can just save themselves the time and expense in producing these biased and sensationalized stories and just cut to the chase - just post a screen shot of a skull and crossbones that just says, "Southeast - where everything bad happens in the District".

I guess we know why the average District resident thinks that all of  Ward 8 is Anacostia and  can't name two neighborhoods in all of "Southeast".

Local news stations - it's time to do better.

UPDATE: Now I am really annoyed. It seems this incident occured in Northeast. WUSA 9 reports on this incident in, "Man Captures Rock Attack On Video".