Congress Heights on the Rise

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WCP: Chevron on MLK Jr. Avenue SE: The Worst

More bad news about the Chevron on MLK Ave (near the corner of Malcom X).  We all knew that the Chevron was a dangerous, panhandler filled eyesore and that  at any time you might find yourself the receipient of an unintended gasoline shower, but today Erik Wemple, editor of the Washington City Paper has more (pardon the pun) fuel to add to the fire. When is someone going to crack down on the sub par service we have to endure at these Ward 8 gas stations? King Gas which is only a block away from Chevron is not only an eyesore but they  refuse to take credit cards (and we all know why ) and the Chevron on MLK and Malcolm X is filled with rats and...nevermind don't  even get me started.

Just because there are only TWO gas stations in all of Ward 8 is no excuse for these gas stations to be allowed to flaunt DC laws and common decency. They should be forced to operate their businesses in a consumer friendly and law abiding manner.  I have my doubts that either are properly licensed. This is another example why we need new, proactive leaders in Ward 8 that can stamp out this blight.
To read Erik Wemple's  post on his terrible experience at the Chevron on MLK in Congress Heights  go HERE.

Visit Southeast Socialite's blog to get up to date on the foolishness that is the Chevron station.
(image courtesy of Southeast Socialite)

To read Southeast Socialite's blog post  on the problems with this Chevron go HERE.
To read Chevron's reply to Southeast Socialites complaints go HERE.
To read Southeast Socialites scathing reply to Chevron go HERE.

To complain (again) about this community eyesore feel free to contact Chevron (good luck with that) or an ANC 8C Commissioner (fat lot of good that will do). Actaully it would probably be better just to contact DCRA. You can contact DCRA on twitter by going HERE or by callling DCRA at (202) 442-4400.

UPDATE: Heard from DCRA and they are already on it and have scheduled inspections.  I LOVE DCRA!
For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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