Congress Heights on the Rise

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WCP: Neighborhood Watch: Were Horseshoers Horsing Around in Congress Heights

The City Paper just added a post about Shepherd Park, specifically the Horsehoe Players being relocated to another park as a result of community complaints/concerns. I am including an excerpt of the post below however I do have a few issues with parts of the post which I felt were inaccurate and/or  misleading (my concerns can be found in the comments section).  UPDATE: The CP article was updated. All is again good in the world. :)


Posted by Dana Liebelson on Sep. 18, 2009, at 4:01 pm

The Issue: What to do with Shepherd Park? The horseshoe pitching club there has moved on to greener pastures after being pressured by the community to remove horseshoe pits from the park between Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and Malcolm X Avenue. The horseshoe pits and accompanying chess boards were originally installed by the club with the approval of the National Park Service, which manages the space, but were removed when residents said they were encouraging drunken carousing.

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