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WASHPO: D.C.Council to Consider Ethics Code for Members

Proposal Comes Amid Barry Probe

By Tim Craig
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

As the investigation into Marion Barry's use of tax dollars intensifies, D.C. Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray unveiled a proposal Monday to establish the city's first "Code of Official Conduct" for council members.

Under the proposal, which Gray (D) plans to introduce as emergency legislation Tuesday, the council would have a unified written ethics code to guide members for the first time since it was formed in 1973.

The proposal states that council members need to uphold "unusually high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality" and that the "avoidance of misconduct and conflicts of interest on the part of council members is indispensable." It largely would put into place the formal ethical guidelines that many state and local governing bodies have been guided by for decades.

"This will help create more clarity in the future," said Gray, adding that he might late propose additional rules.

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