Congress Heights on the Rise

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The Shipley Community Garden Club invites you to get involved and see how they've "grown"!

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The Shipley Family / Community Garden

September 17, 2009
23rd and Savannah Street S.E.

Dear Community Resident or Business,

We are the Shipley Community Garden Club of South East, Washington. Our goal is to grow fruits, vegetables and to grow relations within the Shipley Terrace community.

The vision to establish a community garden came from two local tenants of the Robert Walker House for seniors which is located a few steps from the planned garden area. Unfortunately, we have not yet grown to get the support of a 501 (3) C organization, but with careful planning, community support and participation, we wish to earn the rights to become one soon. As we prepare for this season’s late bloom, we are asking for your support. Land and area space has been donated generously from business property owner, Mr Michael Choi of 23rd and Savannah Streets S.E. Mr. Choi is excited with the garden idea as we are determined to change prior storefront activity through active and daily participation.

We are now seeking community involvement by way of garden plot purchases, contributions, donations and active involvement. We are in need of garden supplies and materials. Items may include new or used tools while also seeking individuals or groups for instructional training.

To contribute or to participate in the gardening project, please contact:

Ms. Bennett at (202) 525-3900 or Ms. Trollinger at (202) 889-5033

Items to be donated: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________□ I wish to become a member

Ground was broken for the first initial garden plots on Saturday, August 22, 2009.

Parcels are now available. Please come out to join us or to stop by to see how we’ve grown…

We welcome all comments and suggestions. ……Thank you for your support!

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