Congress Heights on the Rise

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Photo and Poetry Contest for Ward 8 Residents. Sponsored by HABA and the American Poetry Museum.

This just in...

The Historic Anacostia Block Association (HABA) and the American Poetry Museum are sponsoring a photo exhibit featuring Ward 8 residents!

Focus: Represent the lives and people of Ward 8. Show your interpretation of what we do and how we do it.

Criteria for participants:

1. Must be a resident of Ward 8

2. Must submit a poem (with each picture)

Photographers may submit more than one photo. Only digital photos accepted. Feel free to take color, black and white, sepia, etc. Be as creative as possible!

Submission deadline: October 16, 2009

Announcement of winning photographers: October 20, 2009

Submit all pictures digitally to Courtney at

All winning pictures will be presented in black frames purchased by the photographer. They cost $20 each. More details about the frames later!!

The exhibit will be on display during FotoWeek on November 7-14, 2009 when people from around the world come to view art in Anacostia at the American Poetry Museum.

Don't hesitate to contact me at 202-997-4441 if you have questions.
For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Ex
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