Congress Heights on the Rise

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Yeah! We have our first River East ANC Commissioner profile. Please meet Commissioner Mitchell G. Hawkins III who represents the wonderful residents of ANC 8B06, Shipley Terrace. Still accepting more profiles so please send them in!

1. Name:
Mitchell G. Hawkins III

2. Age:
50 years of age

3. Occupation:
Support Services Specialist-Federal Government

4. Educational Background:
High School graduate/ honor student/ DC Public Schools: additional technical training and certificate/ honor student. (each school, still in operation)

5. What ANC and Single Member District do you represent?
8B06-Shipley Terrace-formerly known as Randall Heights

6. Do you hold an officer position if so what and for how long?
Vice Chair- 3rd year

7. How long have you been an ANC Commissioner?
2nd Term-3 years-first elected year: 2007

8. Why did you choose to be an ANC Commissioner?
We were very close on the initial Election when I was approached by a neighbor who suggested I would be good at it. I asked him to gather the qualifications and paperwork so that I may look into it. I then thanked him for acknowledging my many talents. I went home that evening. I browsed the web for information. Election time came upon us and I had not heard from my, what I thought to be supporter. I mentioned the decision to my mom who lives with me and is also my shotgun rider to the polls. I wrote my name in the vacant Write-In space of the ballot for Single Member District 8B06. We left the polls and my mom told me that she had also written in my name. I just knew I had a win, because I assumed that the neighbor who has suggested that I run, would write my name in also, giving me three votes. The next day, awaken by a knock at my home around 10:00 p.m. One of the two gentlemen handed me an envelope that required a signature. The notice informed me that I had won the elected write in ANC position, winning with two write-in votes. I got so excited and ran to my neighbor. He informed me that he wrote in his own name, I then gave him the shocking news of my win. My other ambition of running was that I had not heard, nor seen anyone else committed to such for the prior four to six years. The community was dormant.

9. What are your qualifications to be an ANC Commissioner?
Being a registered voter in the District, as defined by DC Code Section 1-1001.02; Having resided in the Single Member District from which nominated continuously for the 60 day period immediately preceding the day on which the nominating petition is filed; and Holds no other public office.

Do you have any special skills?
My reservoir of talent has only been tapped. I was very active with my community’s Neighborhood Watch Program under the direction of an earlier 8B06-ANC. I was also appointed to be the Ward 8 Coordinator for the 30th Anniversary March on Washington. I must expand on this one: I went to a coordinating meeting on the other side of town, when preparations for the event were taking place. There in a crowded room of about 90 district residents, I, along with one other were the only persons that lived in South East. I represented this side while the other person lived off of Wheeler Road. I remember the name well, Ms. Bonnie Ross. We distributed flyers and were challenged to host local community meetings anticipating the event even to the point of providing transportation. We were provided with free rent space from the Anacostia Branch, Smithsonian Museum and the 7th District Police headquarters. We also provided light refreshments at the meetings. As one of the coordinators in hosting my own meetings with an agenda, I enjoyed servicing the community. I also worked with a different 8B06-ANC of that time. One of my most memorable community rewards was an invite to the home of former Mayor Sharon Pratt-Kelly’s summer cookout for community leadership. This may have been the start of my community career.

10. Do you consider yourself to be a progressive, moderate or conservative person?
My political and social beliefs does not influence my interest and commitment to the work performed in my community. After a brief internet word search of the asked labels, I would be best indentified as Proactive, Aggressive, Compassionate, Loyal, and Extremist all in one.


1. How can you be reached if someone has a community concern, an idea or a suggestion for the ANC or your Single Member District?
I have put the word out through all forms of media: individual community newsletter, a SMD email group list of now 90 recipients, it started out for two years as email distributions every 2 weeks, now seems to go out once monthly. I have also been known to go door-to-door introducing myself or taking part in several of our petition campaigns. I can also be reached by my cell phone which is provided by the ANC organization. I, initially tried to rely on my family to take messages for me while I am at work, by the time I get home, the messages are not complete, not all names were pronounced correctly, and would have to call the person back anyway. I am fortunate to be provided with the telephone which also receives email. I now get the messages direct, and most times I can resolve the issue when the District’s hours of operation are available.

2. Is your ANC currently holding monthly meetings? Does it always hold monthly meetings?
Yes, monthly meetings are conducted. My first term of 2007, the 8B commission did not take the traditional monthly vacation of August and September. This year we only took off for August but that did not mean that we stopped working.

3. When and where does your ANC have its monthly meetings?
Our meetings are held at the 7th District Police Headquarters located at 2455 Alabama & McGee St. S.E. in the Community Room. This is free community space as long as we continue to provide updates for their community calendar. [Editor's Note: According to the ANC 8B website they meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month]

If your ANC has paid office space how much is the rent per month?
Our Executive Office space is basically contributed to us by Wm. C. Smith Management, under the direction of Mr. George Pollard. We are very fortunate and grateful for his support.

4. Below is posted the law on the notice and notification of ANC meetings. Is your ANC currently following the law regarding the length of notice (at least 7 days) and the type of notice (at least two from the list below)? How does your ANC notify residents of ANC meetings? Is it effective?
I am very familiar with this law. This year we have supported the purchase of lawn signs. Our signs are posted throughout the combined communities which states our times and locations on a regular monthly attendance.

• a. Each Commission shall give notice of all meetings or convocations to each Commissioner, individuals with official business before the Commission and residents of the Commission area no less than 7 days prior to the date of such meeting. . . . Notice of regular and emergency meetings must include, but is not limited to, at least 2 of the following:

• (1) Posting written notices in at least 4 conspicuous places in each single member district within the Commission area;

• (2) Publication in a city or community newspaper;

• (3) Transmitting or distributing notice to a list of residents and other stakeholders in the community; and

• (4) In any other manner approved by the Commission.

5. Do you have a Single Member District meeting for your residents and if so when and where?
I started out initially by holding one as I went through an ordeal trying to find space. It was successful as I provided the normal light refreshments of cookies and punch. Neighbors were given the opportunity to come out and express their viewpoints on each agency of the District from which we are designed to communicate.

6. Do all of the commissioners for your ANC attend monthly meetings?
On an average, we now get enough as a quorum. That means more than half of the elected positions in attendance. We now hold a full commission of seven.

If not why?

7. ANCs are supposed to be a collaborative effort between the ANC Commissioners and the community they were elected to represent. The ANC should be listening to the concerns and needs of their community and use that knowledge to effect change and progress. Do you think your ANC currently encourages residents to ask questions and to be actively involved in the operations of the ANC?
Well, as mentioned earlier, the signs are posted for the meetings, so everyone is aware of this event. I get to talk to my constituents regularly, it is when I am walking the street distributing newspapers, happen to walk to someone’s house for a telephone call issue, out walking my dog, going to the store, or just sitting on my front porch after work, constituents come up with concerns and comments which I encourage.

Please explain.

8. Residents have long complained about the ineffectiveness and dysfunction of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions which is why they no longer attend meetings. What specific steps (if any) have you and/or the ANC taken to address this issue and to engage residents (old and new) to attend meetings and to be actively engaged in their ANC?
Sounds like this is a repeated question of just before, so I’ll give the same answer as last:

Lawn signs are posted for the meetings, so everyone is aware of this event. I get to talk to my constituents regularly, it is when I am walking the street distributing newspapers, happen to walk to someone’s house for a telephone call issue, out walking my dog, going to the store, or just sitting on my front porch after work, constituents come up with concerns and comments which I encourage.


1. Does your ANC file their quarterly reports on time with the DC Auditor?
I am assuming that the reports are timely, the whole commission is notified if not. I do not recall of receiving such notices that constitutes a problem. Finances are not one of my specialties; therefore I chose not to get involved in that position.

If not why?

2. How much money is currently in the ANC bank account?
ANC 8B’s bank account balances and expenditures are disclosed at each monthly ANC meeting. It is recorded and is made available as public record.

3. Do you feel that the ANC’s financial house is “in order”. Are ANC funds being used effectively and appropriately?
Yes, I can attest to our group being in order. We are very careful in following the guidelines of the appropriated funds.

4. Does your ANC currently have an approved budget?

4. Is your ANC currently participating in the ANC Security Fund?
We are current while participating in the ANC Security Fund.

5. Name two (2) specific things that your ANC has accomplished in this term.
Not just two, we have just supported an upgrade to our website … to be up and running soon. (See preview) previous site:

We have just supported a second combined community newsletter that was distributed to over 6, 000 constituents (also with a calendar of ANC meetings included), we have supported advanced changes on our office space. The office can also be used to host SMD meetings and small functions such as our up and coming Toastmaster Classes. We have distributed professionally printed lawn signs throughout the 7 SMD’s, We have solicited past vacant SMD’s for ANC positions to be filled where we now hold a full elected term of ANC’s.

6. Name at least two (2) challenges facing your ANC and what steps (if any) you and your fellow commissioners have made to solve them.
One challenge is and has been consistent attendance by constituents. Another is that contact names and telephone numbers are made available to constituents to request for city services. My aim is to empower the community, and not to perform minor requirements like making the calls for constituents.

Solution: I encourage using the provided numbers and have committed to follow up if the services are not rendered appropriately. This promise, I stand firm on by referring to the confirmation number given upon each request.

7. What are your hopes for your Single Member District and your ANC this term?
I hope to see a flourishing, concerned and caring community. I have actually knocked on doors of new homeowners of my SMD, and apologized for not baking a cake beforehand. The gesture is always welcoming.

I am always pushing for the idea to create our own Emergency Preparedness group within our own community and ANC group. I have attended many meetings and events held throughout the city. I have taken the course to become a DC CERT volunteer in order to create such a group among my constituents. Note: We all know each other, we know who needs the help, and if something goes down, we are all close to each other where e can provide assistance quickly.

8. If you had to grade your ANC today what would be its grade and why? (Example of grades, A,B,C,D,F)
I will not attempt to grade the complete ANC group. Each person has their own limitations, community support, expertise and experiences.

I am a humble guy who can’t self-grade my own actions. It does me well when the community approaches me by acknowledging the benefits of my decisions. The community of 8B06 has received and is currently being the long lost recipient of agency serviced benefits during the past three years. Many residents, tenants and homeowners compliment my non-paid level of commitment and results. I love the work, the creativity involved to improve my community. I find myself performing ANC work during my church life, my daily commute to and from work, during my lunch break at work, when I get home, before I go to work, and in almost every aspect of my life now involves my commitment to the community. I do not foresee a plan to stop running as ANC or even to seek a higher level of public office. I just love what I do. My community reaps the benefits. My commitment is intended for the love of a community while at the same time, representing and taking part in reversing negative connotations of living in South East. Thank you for this opportunity.

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