Congress Heights on the Rise

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River East is again in the news! Jaybird's Jottings just did a really great post on the River East experience.  Check it out!


River East

As a resident of Ward 8 I am tired of Ward 8 being the backyard or the spare closet of the District of Columbia… What we want (and thank goodness it is happening) is more diversity. Diversity in terms of race, socioeconomic standing, jobs, dining, shopping, etc. Ward 8 is a community of residents with hopes and dreams -not a social experiment. – Nikki Peele, Author, Congress Heights On The Rise

In Washington DC, at places like RFK Stadium and Nationals Park, millions of non-residents have set foot in the Southeast part of the District, where the overwhelming majority are African-American. A smaller percentage, however, have ventured across the river to the historic neighborhood of Anacostia or nearby ones like Congress Heights.

Slowly, things are changing, as this part of the District is finally beginning to see some redevelopment come their way. The biggest and most recent example is the ground that was broken last week for the new Department of Homeland Security HQs, which will rise on the campus of St Elizabeth’s Hospital.

Bloggers are also bringing a lot of attention to the area. Three were spotlighted on The Kojo Nnamdi Show several weeks ago. David Garber’s story is particularly compelling. Described by City Paper as “one of Anacostia’s few white guys,” he moved there in 2007 after growing up in the suburbs of Northern Virginia. A pioneer of sorts, Garber has organized events in the community. His blog (And Now Anacostia) has documented life there and has served as a rich source of information.

To continue reading go HERE.

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