Congress Heights on the Rise

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AUDIO: ANC 8C Monthly Meeting, Sept 9, 2009

The Advoc8te is including the agenda and audio recording of lsast nights meeting. A few highlights of the tape:
  • An architect for the owner of the two properties located at 3010 and 3006 MLK place tried to get approval for a hardship waiver.  The Waiver was because according to the building plans the proposed building (or lot wasn't really sure) would be about 10,000 square feet but would only have 6 parking spaces instead of the recommended 14. The owner hoped to tear down one building and renovate the other to construct a three story office building - next to the Popeyes.
  • Newcomb Child Development wants to up their occupancy from about 40 kids to 70 kids.  The center is in a residential neighborhood being run out of a converted attached house.  The center had allowed their certificate of occupancy to lapse which is why they needed to go back before Zoning to obtain the increase for the certificate of occupancy.
  • William Lockridge Executive Director of Congress Heights Main Streets discusses the Storefront Improvment project.  The Advoc8te is a bit confused as to how out of a $250,000 grant for Congress Heights Main Streets that only $40,000 is being allocated for storefront improvments.  Mr. Lockridge explained how the Storefront Improvment plan would work and who would be eligible.  He made some mention of the use of plexiglass in some of the new upgrades which made several audience members shudder.
  • The last 5 minutes of the tape gets a bit  live during the Community Concerns portion of the agenda (yipee actaully got a full 4 minutes allocated for community concerns this meeting) when questions were posed to the commisison about a) the illegal and secret approval of the 2009 ANC budget in July and b) the recent audit of ANC finances.  When confronted with the issues presented by the DC Auditor and when a question was asked if the ANC had plans to address with the community the audit. "Chairperson" Cuthbert stated emphatically that the ANC 8C Commisison was NOT going to talk about the audit with the community at all. Commissioner Ellis made some attempt to soften her statements but it was pretty clear who was running the show - once again.
September 9, 2009
2907 Martin Luther King Ave., SE
(Petey Green Center)
6:30 - 8:30PM
Call to Order
Minutes [this is when residents realized that the budget had been approved with no community input despite the community requesting it during the July meeting]
Treasureer Report
Administrative Issues
Guest Speakers

  • Mr. McGhee - Architect for 3010 Martin Luther King Ave., SE

  • Ms.Jackson - Director, Newcomb Child Development Center; 541 Newcomb St, SE
Congress Heights Main Street - Executive Director
Community Concerns
Community Announcement
        Sept. 14, 2009 - 6:30 WASA community meeting at St. E's Chapel

ANC 8C Mtng Sept 9 2009.wav - ANC 8C Mtng Sept 9 2009