Congress Heights on the Rise

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My thoughts on the "Nine Lives of Marion Barry"

I admit it. I watched the HBO documentary last night on Marion Barry, I even recorded it.

Overall I thought it was pretty good. I think it glossed over a few things especially the issues of the latter years but overall I felt that it showed the good and the bad.

A couple of things struck me while watching the documentary.

  • Watching footage of a young, energetic, vibrant and forceful Barry was very inspiring. I couldn't help but think that at THAT time, with THAT Barry I could totally see myself not only voting for the man but waving a sign of my own. No one can doubt that the man is charismatic.

  • Effi Barry put the "C" in class. What a beautiful, well spoken woman. Barry may have his faults (many, many faults) but he had great taste in women.

  • I came away with a better understanding of why there are such die hard supporters of Barry. The Barry of his early days was a sight to behold and who wouldn't want to keep hope alive (however misguided) that one day that Barry would reappear once again.

  • The recent footage of Barry was just...tragic. Tragic for him and tragic for the Ward that he swore to serve. I got the feeling that the combination of booze, drugs and women robbed what was once a great man and turned him into a characterture of his former self.

  • Sandra "S.S." Seegars may at times be controversial but I don't think anyone can doubt her true commitment to the success of Ward 8 and her ability and fearlessness to tell it like it is. Some people may be put off by her blunt speaking but having met Ms. Seegars I find it refreshing and something that has sorely been lacking in the current leadership in Ward 8 politics. Ms. Seegars says what she means and she means what she says - in many ways she reminded me in the documentary of the young Barry -fearless, committed and with the tenacity of a pit bull. Regardless of who ends up in the Ward 8 Council seat next (and who knows it may just be Ms. Seegars herself) I feel reassured that she will be casting a watchful eye and will put the smack down on any foolishness.

  • Barry's godson (forgive me for not remembering his name) was so charming yet so heartbreaking. While you may have doubts about his choice for a mentor you can't doubt his conviction and his love for the man. Watching his godson campaign for Barry to Ward 8 kids not even old enough to vote was just too precious. You can't doubt that there is definitely a politician in the making there.

Probably the thing that struck me the most from the documentary is that I couldn't help but feel like not only was there this huge shift from the Barry of his youth and the man and politician that he has become. I could very easily see the Marion Barry of the civil rights movement, the die hard community activist rallying against Marion Barry of today; the aged, delusional and unrepentant politician.

Regardless if you are pro or anti Marion Barry one thing I think we can all agree is that Ward 8 is in need of a focus, a direction and a leader.

Now who is he or she?

Perhaps it's the leader we need to find within ourselves?

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