Congress Heights on the Rise

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Fenty Administration Celebrates the Installation of New Playground at Savoy Elementary

WASHINGTON, DC— Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization (OPEFM) Executive Director Allen Y. Lew, and youth from the Mayor’s Summery Youth Employment Program (SYEP) joined the student body and members from the surrounding community to kick off the installation of a custom playground for the students of Savoy Elementary School.

“Over the next five days, parents, neighbors, and volunteers will come together to help build something with and for the children of Savoy Elementary,” Mayor Fenty said. “Savoy is a great example of a school serving as the center of the community, and soon, this student body will celebrate the completion of a fantastic new playground as well as a newly modernized school they can be proud of.”

Dozens of students, parents, and volunteers from DC United, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Sasha Bruce Youth Build, Fort Meyer Construction, and Americorp gathered at 2400 Shannon Place, S.E., to participate in the community building project to install the new Savoy playground. Summer Youth Employment Program participants working with the Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism are also participating in the playground instillation as a part of the Mayor’s Summer of Service, a collaborative effort with AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps.

“This has been one of our more exciting projects,” OPEFM Executive Director Allen Lew said. “We have worked closely with the school and community to create a facility that provides the latest technology and all of the amenities that are found at the very best schools in the world.”

Funding for the instillation of the new playground is included in the $30 million allocated for the modernization of the school. The new playground will include:
• Playhouse
• Moon bounce bridge
• Monkey bars
• Coil climber
• Balance beam on chains
• Hanging pods
• Wheel spinner
• Slides
• Suspension bridge
• Swiss cheese wal
l• Hammock net
• Rocket ship
• Moon buggy
• Arched rock climb

Savoy’s custom equipment utilizes post-consumer recycled materials and is certified “green” and environmentally friendly. The playground will also have the latest safety features, and will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Access Act.

“This playground was designed by Savoy students and built with the help of the community,” Dr. Anne Evans, Savoy Elementary Principal, said. “It is a source of pride, and will be a source of fun where memories will last a lifetime.” Savoy students actively participated in the design process by drawing pictures of what they wanted in a playground, including bridges that bounce, things that twirl, slides and structures on which to climb. The students’ imaginations lead to the ideas of a rocket ship and moon buggy, both of which have been incorporated into the final design. OPEFM playground manufacturer Leathers & Associates and the contractor, Sigal Construction Company, were present today and will provide oversight for the duration of the community build project.

“We have worked with communities around the world to create custom playgrounds,” Leathers & Associates lead designer Barry Segal said. “We are excited to work with the Savoy kids to help their ideas go from paper to reality.”

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