Congress Heights on the Rise

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Trash Truck Noise Complaints

The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) is now investigating complaints from District residents who suspect private trash haulers are operating beyond the times allowable by District Law.

Trash collection by private haulers is prohibited between the hours of 9 pm and 7 am in residential, special purpose, or waterfront zones, or within 300 feet of any of these zones. These rules do not apply to Department of Public Works vehicles, only private trash collection companies.

If we find the private trash hauler is operating outside the allowable hours, the company will be issued a Notice of Infraction for $300.
Note: You must submit your complaint within 7 days of the alleged violation.

If you suspect a private trash hauler is operating beyond these guidelines, please contact DCRA immediately. We are providing several options for you to reach us.
Download Fillable Complaint Form**

Download Fillable Noise Complaint Form*
**Note: If you have a photo of vehicle please download the above form and use any of the options below.

Email Us
You can also email your complaint to DCRA within 7 days of the alleged violation at You can download and save the form above and email it or follow the information below.
You must include the following information in your email so we can adequately investigate your complaint. Again, all information must be included in your email:

Complainant's name
Complainant's phone number
Location of suspected noise violation including any indentifying information such as street numbers, cross streets, alleys, etc.
Date of suspected violation
Time of suspected noise violation including exact time or exact range of time
Color of trash vehicle including description of any striping or graphics
Any indentifying writing or trash company name
License plate state and number (if possible)
Where did you view the vehicle from?
Approximately how far away were you from the vehicle?
How many times has this suspected violation occurred in the past month?
Has the suspected violation always include the same vehicle? If not, explain.
Attach photos (if possible)

Call Us
You can call (202) 442-4615 to call in your complaint.

Mail Form or Come in to DCRA
You can download the complaint form and mail or hand deliver to the DCRA Service Center, 941 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 7100, Washington, DC 20001.

Fax Form to DCRA
You can download fillable complaint form and fax to DCRA Investigations at (202) 442-9448.

The Law
Trash Collection Noise Law DC Law 17 259*

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