Congress Heights on the Rise

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Schedule a Free Home Energy Audit

Washington, DC – District residents can keep their homes cooler this summer with a free energy audit from the District Department of the Environment (DDOE). The audits recommend easy, inexpensive ways to improve energy efficiency. For example, reducing air leaks can save up to 30 percent of the energy consumed in a home.

“We have great, historic older homes in the District,” said DDOE Director George S. Hawkins. “But many of them lose as much energy as leaving a window open all summer. Our energy audits will help residents stop wasting energy, so they can save money and reduce global warming too.”

DDOE has contracted with Elysian Energy, LLC and Patuxent Environmental Group to perform the audits. Inspectors measure energy characteristics, such as insulation levels, window efficiency, wall-to-wall ratios, heating and cooling system efficiency, the solar orientation of the home, and water heating systems. Diagnostic testing, which may include a blower door for air leakage and duct leakage testing, is often part of the rating.

At the end of the process, the homeowner or renter receives a one- to five-star rating for energy efficiency, and a report listing cost-effective ways to improve the rating. DDOE also offers information on tax credits and financing for energy-efficient home improvements.

To schedule an energy audit, visit or call DDOE’s Energy Office at (202) 673-6700. Operators are prepared to answer questions and make appointments in Spanish.

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