Congress Heights on the Rise

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DC WIRE: Campaign Manager: Barry's Ex-Girlfriend 'Didn't Do Any Work'


Marion Barry's former campaign manager said today that he is furious the council member used campaign funds last year to pay his former girlfriend a $500 contracting fee .

Donna Watts-Brighthaupt, who is at the center of recent stalking charges against Barry, has been telling reporters she worked as a political consultant on his 2008 re-election campaign. Campaign finance records show the Barry for Ward 8 Committee paid Watts-Brighthaupt $500 on Oct. 29. The two were romantically involved at the time.

Joe Louis Ruffin Jr., the campaign manager, said in an interview today that "she didn't do any work." He was stunned to learn she had been paid.

"If she was a political consultant, and I was the campaign manager, one would think I would have known she was working for me, and I would know she was getting paid and how much she was getting paid," Ruffin said. "I saw her one time at a fundraiser, and another time she was riding in the passenger seat of his BMW."

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