Congress Heights on the Rise

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SOUTHEAST SOCIALITE Gets A Repsonse From ABRA Regarding Her Complaints About Mart Liquor

Southeast Socialite gets a response email to her complaints regarding Mart Liquor and her disapproval of their liquor license being granted. Click HERE to go to The Debutante's post and read the response from Cynthia Woodruff-Simms, ABRA Community Resources Officer.

I am a bit confused because in the letter Abra's Miss Simms informed The Debutante that the time to protest has passed. The petition date has passed and the roll call was held on Monday, June 10th. The Advoc8te is hoping Miss Simms just misspoke because when I spoke to her on 8:30am on June 10th she was very clear that the roll call was CANCELLED because no protests had been filed by the Petition date (it mattered not that the notifications were not complete nor clear).

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