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Knowledge is Power! Stay On Top of Liquor License Applications/Changes/Renewals

Although the ANC 8C notification regarding Mart Liquor's liquor licence renewal never made it to the ABRA website (although according to ABRA written notification was sent to all 5 ANC 8C commissioners) concerned citizens SHOULD make themselves familiar with the ABRA website to ensure that they are aware of businesses seeking a new liquor license, a modification or as in the case of the Mart Liquors, a liquor license renewal. Don't assume (you know what they say about assuming) that your Advisory Neighborhood Commission is taking the proper steps to ensure that liquor store applications/renewals are being properly vetted. If you happen to be a resident of one of the several defunct or challenged ANCs in River East you could end up with the short end of the beer bottle if you aren't proactive. In fact pause for a moment and go add the ABRA website to your "My Favorites" page right now - it's that important.

Click HERE to access the ABRA ANC Notification page. According to ABRA: "ABRA conspicuously posts these notices at establishments that intend to pursue a new ABC license, make a substantial change to business operations, and/or renew a current ABC license."

The Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) website, has information such as liquor store regulations, information how to file a complaint against a license holder and links to businesses requesting a liquor licence; modification of a liquor license or a renewal of a liquor license.

However, The Advoc8te does have a MAJOR issue with how this information is presented on the ABRA website. New License Applications and Substantial Change Applications are presented in a very easy to read format. The business name is listed on the main page with the posting date and the hearing date (however they should post the petition date here as well). The business name is a hyperlink that will take you to the Notice of Public Hearing where you can get all the relevant information such as the Petition Date (the last day to file a petition or submit a request to appear at a Public Hearing), the Public Hearing Date, the type of liquor license requested, the establishment location, business owner and the establishment hours. It is all very easy to find and easy to read (although it would be better if the businesses were at least grouped by Ward for easy access).

For example this is how the information is presented for the proposed Jazz N Soul Cafe which would be located in Anacostia:

J azz N Soul Cafe 4-3-09 6-1-09

*Once you click on the trade name hyperlink you easily get the relevant information:

Now when it comes to Liquor License Renewals you are in for an entirely different kettle of fish.

First you have to go all the way dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown the page just to find a few hyperlinks grouped by dates rather than by location or business name:

License Renewal Applications

4-3-09 license renewals list*
11-28-08 license renewals list*
11-7-08 license renewals list*

I'm no ABRA expert but it would seem to me that this isn't the most clear and concise way to present information - especially for something as important as a liquor license renewal.

Specifically these are my reasons as to why NOT list the information this way:

1) ACCESSIBILITY. Liquor licenses for a Class A Retailer are good for 3 years. By placing the list of links all the way at the bottom of the page in unfriendly (and basically pointless hyperlink names) you are essentially making the community play "hide and go seek" in order to stay on top of license renewals. If I am trying to see what license renewals are up in my community I wouldn't know when they were posted - that is the type of information I am trying to obtain in the first place! The license renewals should be posted the same way that the New Applications or the Substantial Change applications are posted - with the business name as well as the PETITION and HEARING date (including the Ward would be helpful too). At the very least group the hyperlinks by Ward - anything to make it easier to see the license renewals for your community.

2) IMPORTANCE: Of any of the type of liquor licence process: application, change and renewal by far renewal is the type of application of most importance in a community because most liquor store licenses are attributed to EXISTING liquor stores. The application for renewal is the most key time for the community to voice their concerns/complaints en mass and also when they have the much leverage to either negotiate for a Voluntary Agreement or work to have the establishments renewal license denied. With this type of convoluted manner of presenting this information it is no wonder that most residents are woefully unaware of when a liquor stores license is up for renewal.

3) COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION: Residents that have complaints about a particular liquor store are most likely not going to patronage that store therefore they are NOT going to see the public hearing notice posted in the window. If I am aware that Liquor Store X is the scene for crime and violence I am going to stay as far away from Liquor Store X as possible. I am most definitely not going to risk my safety to go check it out regularly to see if it's application is up for renewal. I should be able to find the information easily, quickly and accurately on the ABRA website better still it should be the responsibility of ABRA to ensure that community notification happens - through a variety of methods. The way it's set up now it's almost as if ABRA DOESN'T want community feedback or participation in the Hearing process. The deck is stacked in the liquor stores favor. If no one complains by a particular deadline then there is no public hearing. If there is no public hearing then the liquor store gets it's licence. There should be a law in place that liquor stores wishing to renew their licenses are required by LAW to present their proposal to the affected ANC, the MPD district in which they will be residing as well as issue a mailer to all residents that live in that ANC Single Member District where the store will be residing. The Advoc8te has an idea for a new city services app - allow residents to sign up for text message alerts when businesses in their community want to apply, modify or renew their liquor license. Now THAT would ensure that proper notice was given and would give liquor stores and other such establishments an incentive to stay on good terms with the community.

4) USER FRIENDLY/ACCURACY: You would have to either read all of the public hearings in order to find the ones for establishments in your community or be pretty creative with the "Find" prompt on your computer because the public hearing notices are scanned. When The Advoc8te was looking for the Public Hearing Notice ANC Notification for the Mart Liquor renewal I had to go through 29 pages and still did not find it. THE ANC NOTIFICATION FOR MART LIQUOR'S WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE LIST. This is a HUGE problem but one that ABRA doesn't seem to take seriously. When I brought this to the attention of Ms. Cynthia Simms of the ABRA office I was very nicely and politely told "too bad so sad" (paraphasing) . I had to ask myself. If I hadn't seen the very innocuous Public Hearing Notice myself posted in the window of Mart Liquors I would have had NO idea that Mart Liquor's license was up for renewal especially since 1) ANC 8C failed to include the Mart Liquor license renewal on any monthly meeting agenda (not to mention refusing in at least 2 meetings to hear community concerns where a resident who was aware of it could have mentioned it) and 2) it wasn't posted along with all the other ANC Notifications on the ABRA website for ANC Notifications of Renewal Licenses.

The Advoc8te is left to wonder. How many of liquor store renewal licenses or applications aren't making it to the Public Hearing List on the ABRA website? How many ABRA ANC Notifications aren't going out to ANC Commissioners and who is confirming that the ANC Notifications indeed went out? Are they sent certified mail? Who is holding ANCs responsible for ensuring that they present such notifications to the public in a timely fashion?

In short if you are expecting the ABRA liquor license protesting process to be easy then you have another thing coming. Luckily it sounds like there are enough committed people in the River East community who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. We need to ensure that our voices are heard. If you think that current ABRA community notifications need to be reformed to be more community friendly please contact Mayor Fenty as well as the ABRA Interim Director, Fred Moosally or by submitting an ABRA E-Feedback Form posted HERE.


The Advoc8te is a process junky and self professed "problem eliminator" who has an intense, deep seeded hatred of all things inefficient and non productive. Thinks success is a combination of hard work, good planning and an unwavering commitment to do what's right. It might be time for the Mayor to give me a job. I like the sound of "Director of Tomfoolery Elimination". ROTFL

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