Congress Heights on the Rise

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TODAY! Malcolm X Day Event @ Oxon Run Park

The Advoc8te wasn't aware of this event but just heard of it so posting it. If anyone attends this event or has in the past I would love to hear about it.

From the Malcolm X Day Committee Website, :

"From the Root to the Fruit"
May 30, 2009
Oxon Run Park Washington, DC

The Malcolm X Day Committee is made up of a group of committed volunteers from various sectors of the community and numerous community groups who donate generous amounts of our time, energy, and other resources to organize a series of events culminating in a festival style event on the Saturday closest to his birthday. The events are designed to honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz) in a meaningful way. The event serves as a vehicle to end the violence, crime, substance abuse, and self-loathing that continue to cripple low-income urban communities while providing positive interactions and "edutainment."

With a theme of "From the Root to the Fruit", this year's Celebration will have three major areas of focus:
promoting green jobs as a pathway to prosperity,
fostering reclamation of traditional cultural values,
and promoting healthy and sustainable communities

The major issue areas we are organizing the event around are health (HIV/AIDS, obesity, diabetes etc), economics (green jobs, affordable housing), community (ending domestic and other forms violence), and education (decreasing the high school drop-out rate, increasing the literacy rate in DC).
The event will take place on Saturday, May 30th between 11 AM and 6 PM at Oxon Run Park at Mississippi and Southern Avenues SE. It will be a free community event featuring:
Musical, spoken word, and dance performances by local talent.
Speakers and exhibitors from community organizations whose missions match the overall mission of the event.
Vendors including licensed food vendors and art and craft vendors.
Activities for children including storytelling, balloon sculpture, and art contests
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