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Register Now: Take Part in the DC Conference on Service and Leadership

Each year Serve DC, the Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism, brings together national service, community and faith-based organizations in a conference focused on enhancing their organizational capacity to meet growing community needs.

May 13-14, the 2009 DC Conference on Service and Leadership will reach and engage hundreds of AmeriCorps program directors and members, Learn and Serve America and Senior Corps program directors, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members, youth and representatives from community and faith-based organizations in skill-building workshops and learning tracks.

The vision for the event is to promote and foster cross-collaboration while providing sustainable and tangible tools to solve serious community issues and addressing real community needs through service, showcased in this year’s theme: “From Nice to Necessary.”

This year’s conference is based on three programmatic themes: Leadership, Collaboration and Sustainability. These themes represent the continuum of growth that leads to healthy and strong communities. These themes will be woven throughout the conference in workshops, plenary speakers, events, and materials. In addition, the conference will feature the Serve DC Mayor’s Community Service Awards ceremony to celebrate the great works of leaders in local communities.

May 13
Life After AmeriCorps Pre-Conference and Next Steps Fair Volunteer Recognition Ceremony

May 14
General Conference

The Conference will be located at The Academy for Educational Development, 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW - 8th Floor.

Register now for the conference!

The Life After AmeriCorps conference is free for AmeriCorps Members serving in Washington, DC and will feature speakers, workshop sessions and a “Next Steps Fair." The registration fee for the May 14 conference is $35.

Workshop proposal applications are no longer being accepted.
Conference Flyer*

Please contact Kristen Henry at (202) 727-8003 with questions about the 2009 DC Conference on Service and Leadership.