Congress Heights on the Rise

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"Black people don't learn like white people"

Spoken last night by ANC Commissioner Cardell Shelton at last night's disastrous ANC 8C meeting.

That was only one of the many, many insane things that was said and done at last night's meeting.

More to come in my official write up including a shouting match between William Lockridge of the State Board of Education and Commissioner Shelton, Commissioner Mary Cuthbert's continued campaign of harassment toward residents she doesn't like (this time in the form of illicit camera phone picture taking) although this time she really did outdo herself by declaring in the meeting "the ANC meeting is not for you [the community] - it is for us the commissioners so we don't need to hear community concerns". Commissioner William Ellis continued his excellent impersonation of a seeing eye poodle while the very frail Commissioner Calvin Lockridge made his first ANC 8C appearance for 2009. Commissioner Dion Jordan was the only one that even looked remotely capable and who was the only one who managed to avoid sending me into a "shame spiral" but with that motley crew of ANC Commissioners running things (into the ground) it is no wonder that ANC 8C IS OFFICIALLY THE WORST ANC IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.
In your wildest booze filled nightmares you couldn't make this stuff up it was so bad.

All in all it was a pointless, discouraging, unbelievably bad meeting.

(un)Lucky for you I have the tape which I will post later today along with my write up.

May God have mercy on us poor residents. :(

P.S. Black people ARE just as capable, intelligent, driven and talented as white people. We have proven time and time again how intelligent we are. There is no need to "dumb it down" for us. Not only can we as people of color keep up but we have set the pace in so many things. It is so very sad to see a person of color repeatedly (and I mean repeatedly) imply that people of color can only hope for the a job sweeping up after a construction site or hoisting a wheelbarrow. We can do that and so much more. President Obama is a shining example of how far we have come. So Commissioner Shelton I will have to respectfully DISAGREE with you on that statement!
UPDATE AS OF 12:39am:
Just reviewed the audio tape of the meeting and Commissioner Shelton's exact quote was "Black Folks don't learn like White folks". Wanted to make sure it was exact. Still trying to post the audio of the meeting.