Congress Heights on the Rise

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Abracadabra! I will now make ANC 8C dysfunction disappear!

With tonight's ANC 8C meeting only 9 1/2 hours away The Advoc8te is overcome with dread.

The only thing worse than sitting through one of these god awful meetings is the realization that this god awful ANC Commission is what is standing in the way of my community being really great.

In a nutshell...

ANC 8C tomfoolery = no trash cans on Mellon Street
ANC 8C bickering = low attendance at meetings
ANC 8C financial failures = no flowers, no fliers and no future

All jokes aside the dysfunction, the petty bickering, the total lack of regard, the incompetence, the excuses, the accusations, the financial malfeasance, the selfishness, the audacity, the insecurity, the name calling, the criminal cases, the lies, the tomfoolery have only accomplished two things:
  1. Totally stalling Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C for years and making it the platinum standard by which crappy ANCs are judged.
  2. Depriving the residents of ANC 8C of having a fully functioning clean, safe and positive community.

I would go so far to say that as a result of being unable (or unwilling) to get their $%&*# together that ANC 8C is in affect holding their constituents hostage by not doing the work they were sworn to do - NO EXCUSES.

I (as should anyone with an interest in ANC 8C) hold Commissioner William Ellis, Commissioner Dion Jordan, Commissioner Calvin Lockridge, Commissioner Mary Cuthbert and Commissioner Cardell Shelton personally responsible for the current ANC 8C failures. We should be able to look to them for EFFECTIVE leadership, OPEN communication and PROACTIVE action. No one is blameless. Some surely have more blame than others but at the end of the day as elected officials each of them has a responsibility to put their personal issues (including their agendas) on the back burner for the sake of the community.

Some Commissioners are doing what they can by trying to service their constituents by at least holding an informative SMD meeting but without a fully functioning and effective ANC 8C they are limited by what they can accomplish. Without ANC 8C support they have to go into their own financial resources to print up meeting fliers and provide meeting refreshments. With over $33,000 in the ANC 8C bank account (according to the DC Auditor as of Dec 2008) that is insane!

Some Commissioners are busy making promises of "we are working on it" and "it takes time" but without a genuine plan in place and without IMMEDIATE action and cooperation those promises are hollow and if history has taught us anything- meaningless.

Some Commissioners just offer a bunch of "dog ate my homework" type of excuses. The "we couldn't do anything because we didn't have a quorum" excuse seems to be a favorite. We are all adults here. Let's stop with the excuses. Excuses don't explain and explanations don't excuse. If there was not a quorum FOR YEARS because ANC 8C Commissioners were not attending meetings then that is a problem of ANC 8C Commissioners not taking their job seriously or being unable to serve. If ANC Commissioners are not regularly attending meetings then that problem needs to be addressed. As an ANC Commissioner you swore to service your community by being available for meetings so work can be done. We are all human and if something (work, illness, travel, etc.) is precluding you as a commissioner from attending multiple meetings then you should do the right and either not run in the first place or resign so someone else can. Put your community first! There are too many ANC Commissioners who seem to be taking these positions just so they can have a title. There is currently an ANC 8C Commissioner who hasn't attended an ANC 8C meeting all year! Regardless of the reason perhaps it is time for him to resign so that perhaps someone else who is available can serve in his place. If you did not show up to your job how long do you think you would have that job? Not very long. It's time for us to start applying some common sense to our ANCs.

With that in mind and as a resident of ANC 8C I contemplated what I would like to see at tonight's ANC 8C meeting and going forward. Imaging I had a magic wand I put together the type of agenda I would like to see (and I am sure that my fellow residents would like to see). This is NOT tonight's meeting agenda but an agenda that I created for the basis of this post - and so that I can keep hope alive that it is possible to do things correctly.

MY ANC 8C (magical) AGENDA


  2. REDEDICATION AND FORGIVENESS - ANC Commissioners would stand up and apologize to the community for their past shenanigans and would take responsibility for their bad behavior. Would apologize not only the community but to each other and promise going forward to work together to put the community FIRST and if there is a disagreement or a difference or opinion to resolve it respectfully, openly and in a professional manner.

  3. PLAN FOR PROGRESS - Recognizing that at least the past decade has been fraught with financial, operational and distrust they will be making a direct effort to "refocus" ANC 8C and to get it back on track. To that end they commit to at least a 3 month plan that includes suspending guest speakers (except for an emergency) so that the ANC can fully concentrate and focus on the business at hand and to address quickly and effectively prior lapses. The "Plan for Progress" includes:

  4. FINANCIAL MATTERS - The Commissioners will immediately address the missing quarterly reports and will explain fully and completely to the community the financial transactions of ANC 8C. Will hire an independent auditor to come in and look at the books to ensure that everything is in compliance and is transparent. If any money has been mismanaged or misspent will address it IMMEDIATELY in full view of the community. In the event of theft or embezzlement will immediately refer the matter to the proper authorities. In regards to the "office" located at 3125 MLK Ave SE will vote to terminate that expenditure immediately and take inventory of all items at that location. Will open a PO box as a mailing address and ensure all commissioners have access to the PO Box.

  5. COMMUNITY FEEDBACK - Hold a forum to hear from the community what their needs and concerns are for ANC 8C! Find out directly from the constituents what they would like to see happen not only in future ANC 8C meetings but in the community. This forum would be open to anyone with a say and would be conducted in a respectful and considerate environment. Residents would be allowed to make suggestions and offer insight.

  6. COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND INVOLVEMENT - Commissioners will take immediate steps to reach out to the community to increase attendance at meetings. Commissioners will ensure that they are in compliance with the ANC law regarding meeting notification and will make sure that there are at least (if not more) 2 different types of notification to the community and that WRITTEN notification comes at least 7 days prior to an ANC meeting. In addition to fliers ANC 8C will mail out post cards to all the registered voters in ANC 8C informing them of the date, time and location of ANC 8C meetings as well as their Single Member District Commissioner. ANC 8C will set up an email account and began collecting email address of residents and will email them reminders about meetings. ANC 8C will post in local newspapers quarterly the meeting dates and times for the year. Will take steps to create their own blog (which is free) for residents and property owners to stay abreast of community issues. Will take steps to involve management companies and real estate companies in the recruitment of their residents/clients in the ANC so that new residents are immediately aware of ANC meetings. ANC 8C will partner with existing community groups to increase visibility and outreach. ANC 8C Commissioners approve a $50 monthly allotment that would allow each Commissioner to hold a Single Member District monthly or quarterly meeting. The $50 would go toward meeting fliers, nominal refreshments and other meeting supplies. Also, each ANC 8C meeting should close with the date and time of the next ANC 8C meeting established and distributed to the meeting attendees. The next meeting date/time should be included on every ANC 8C meeting agenda

  7. MEETING IMPROVEMENT - Recognizing that community involvement is key, Commissioners would recognize that 6:30pm is too early for the community to attend a community meeting. 7pm - 8:30pm would be a better time and would accommodate those coming to the meeting directly from work. Commissioners would realize that by establishing some order and respect to ANC 8C meetings that more could be done in a shorter period of time. Commissioners would provide basic refreshments at meetings. Commissioners recognize that by not having at least water at the current ANC meetings they are discouraging people from attending - especially those with young children. Would encourage residents with children and no babysitter to attend the meeting by bringing their children (a room could be set up in the back for children to play with adult supervision). Commissioners would also realize the importance of meeting order and protocol and as such would educate themselves and the community on "Robert's Rules of Order" so that ANC meetings can be conducted effectively and efficiently without yelling, screaming and endless rambling. Also get community feedback on what we want to see in a community meeting. No more 45 minute presentations on kidney health. Meeting agendas should be approved by the commissioners IN ADVANCE of the meeting and should reflect community requests and feedback.
  8. COMMUNITY CONCERNS - Not only would an opportunity for community concerns be provided but the ANC will now address those issues proactively and establish a plan for action and follow up. Community concerns from the prior meeting will be addressed and updates will be shared with the community.
  9. PROACTIVE PROJECTS - As a group and with the community involved ANC 8C will create proactive plans for community improvement. For example community beautification efforts such as planting flowers and sod, installing trash cans and benches, installing "Congress Heights" lamp pole signs. By taking proactive steps the community can visually see the success of the ANC.
  10. COMMITMENT - The ANC Commissioners commit to themselves, each other and the community to never ever allow things to get to the state that the once were. They promise to be open, honest and committed to the success of our community. Promise to not be dismissive or insulting. Promise to welcome ALL residents (both new and old) with open arms into ANC 8C and the community for we all live here and we all have a responsibility and a right to live in a safe, clean and enjoyable community.

Now if only someone can make my dream a reality!