Congress Heights on the Rise

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REPORT: Washington Highlands Library project

This email just came in from The District Library Dynamos:
Good Ward Eight Residents and Library Advocates:

Just wanted to pass along a brief report about the Washington HighlandsLibrary project serving all of Ward Eight >>

The second library design meeting was held this past Tuesday, March 31,2009. It was the firstpublic 'design' meeting since September 2008. The designs are pretty far along despite little input from Ward Eight.

ANC Commissioners attended the meeting and expressed concern that the outreach hasn't been done to notify all of Ward Eight ANC's about this important central project.

There are still questions about expanding library services to other neighborhoods in the Ward. The Washington Highlands Library is the only full-scale library service in all of Ward Eight.
Read the full report, with videos of the meeting and design images, here>>

There are no further meetings planned by DCPL at this time.

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, ideas.

Chris O.