Congress Heights on the Rise

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QUESTION OF THE DAY: Are River East Groups Relevant?

One thing Ward 8 does have in abundance are civic associations and organizations. There is a group here almost for everything with many of the groups having overlapping objectives and almost all seeming to suffer from poor attendance and involvement. For most groups here their small number of loyal attendees are a very "mature" set - there are almost no young people attending these meetings. Definitely not the young, degree carrying professionals steadily purchasing homes in the Ward. If the 125+ attendance at the first two River East Emerging Leaders (r.e.e.l.) events is any indication there is definitely a desire to get involved in issues impacting our community.
Perhaps it is because this is the generation of "do more". Do more for ourselves, our family, our community and our country. Today's generation is the generation of AP classes, advanced degrees, political involvement, community service. We are the generation born of the civil rights era.
We are the change that we seek. This is the group of "let's not just talk about it - let's be about it" and in my humble opinion that is part of the disconnect that many new or relatively new residents (such as myself) feel toward the vast majority of Ward 8 groups. They talk ALOT (if they talk at all) but don't exactly seem to be doing a whole lot. They don't seem to be consistently moving the ball forward - talking in the language that would attract the attention of younger and more engaged residents. I am hard pressed to remember a Ward 8 group that every emailed me. The vast majority of community meetings that I attend don't even ask for an email address. While it is true that not everyone has computer access it is a sigin of the times. Almost all "young" people have an email address and communicate in a digital format. By not communicating to me in the language that I speak we are not communicating and if we are not communicating I am not being engaged.
This morning the Advoc8te asks the question.
Are Ward 8 "groups" (including ANCs, PSAs, political groups, civic associations) relevant to today's resident?

If you attend meetings why do you attend? What do you hope to get accomplished and what would you like to see more of in your organization? Are you happy with the direction your organization is going in?

For those of you who don't attend meetings ( or attend infrequently) why is that? What is not getting you out to meetings? What would you get out to meetings? Do you feel that Ward 8 (or 7) groups at the end of the day really get anything done?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated!