Congress Heights on the Rise

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BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Smart Women Finish Rich

Whether you are a man or a woman this book is a must read! The Advoc8te first read this book about 4 years ago and within one day using the tips learned from this book the book paid for itself. I paid my car off a year early, started saving (a lot), increased my credit score 200+ points and was able to buy my first home (in Congresss Heights of course).

Smart Women Finish Rich written by David Bach and the entire "Finish Rich" series is an excellent read and very informative and helpful - especially in these hard economic times. It doesn't matter if you have $5 or $500,000 this book as well as any book in the series will show you smart, easy ways to make your money work for you - not make you work for your money.

If you have a chance pick it up or buy a copy for a friend -I bought 10 copies!

Click HERE to read an excerpt of "Smart Women Finish Rich"

Click HERE to view other books in the series.