Congress Heights on the Rise

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WASHPO: City Council Considers Anti-Loitering Bill

I for one am behind passing this bill 100%. Please get on the phone, send an email, write a letter, heck send a carrier pigeon to your council member letting him/her know they need to pass this bill! We need it!

D.C. Council member Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) introduced anti-loitering legislation yesterday that would allow police officers to disperse two or more people gathered in area, known for illegal activity.

The police chief would use statistics about arrests for drug, gang, theft and violent crimes to create "hot spot loitering zones." Those found in violation could face a $300 fine. Graham has introduced similar legislation before, but civil rights activists have questioned whether it would infringe on residents' right to assemble.

The new bill would give the mayor authority to create rules that would protect "persons who are engaged in assembly protected by the Constitution."

Click HERE for the DC Council members contact information.