Congress Heights on the Rise

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The tipping point...

The advoc8te has finally accepted the cold hard truth...

ANC 8C leadership as it currently stands is DOA.

There will be NO revival.
There will be NO remission.
There will be NO last minute life saving cure.

The patient (in this case ANC 8C) is terminal and is gasping for the last fleeting moments of life.

In lieu of flowers The Advoc8te is requesting that the community immediately takes steps to identify, nurture and encourage new, vital and forward thinking leaders to take the helm for the next election and remove what has been keeping us as a community sick.

To be honest there have been those in Ward 8 who have been sounding the alarm for years. Who have challenged people to open their eyes and their minds to see the crisis that surrounds us. To challgenge people to get involved or get left behind.

There comes a time for hope and a time to accept the cold harsh reality of a situation and to take the necessary steps.

Tonight was the tipping point.
We will mourn, then we will soar.