Congress Heights on the Rise

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RIVER EAST RECAP - Bloggers Unite!

And Now, Anacostia is all a twitter about the first ever Anacostia Community Tree Planting Saturday, April 18th. 30 trees in Historic Anacostia sounds greeeeat!

The River East Idealist discusses the benefits of the proposed "bag bill" but think that it is sad that we need a government mandate to make us as a community to be mindful our environmentally responsibility.
Southeast Socialite puts Shepard Park on blast and poses the very good question -Prison Yard or Federal Park? Advises those who want to use the park as their own personal living room to go home.
The Anacostia Diaries posts a cool photo of the Anacostia metro sign and debates using it as the blog's new header. Also offers the photo to anyone to use as they please.
Congress Heights on the Rise is generally blown by anything related to Marion Barry, ANC 8C and Mary Cuthbert.