Congress Heights on the Rise

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READER RESPONSE: Calling all (emerging) leaders!

A CHOTR reader was kind enough to post a very insightful response to the "ANC 8C Mtng tomorrow" post and the resulting comments. I felt the writer's comments spoke directly to what we as a community need to do to effect REAL change.

Reposting the comment below. Would really appreciate feedback and dialogue and I invite any leader or emerging leader in the community to respond.


treme4ever said...

I think it is time for an honest discussion about what we are looking for in "leaders" or community representatives in this ward. I have watched two election cycles in which candidates offer platforms which basically consist of "Marion Barry is bad"... I am not Marion"..look at my website".No effective outreach, no issue forums... why can I not pick up one of the community newspapers, or in this blog for instance and read an article written by an "emerging leader" who can analyze and articulate a problem (pick one- zoning, relationship of St. E's to this community and how its programs impact this community, the number of non profits who don't actually contribute to this community, home ownership, do we really need more multi-dwellings, etc. ) and offer solutions... find and engage folks in and out of the community to work.

Yes, new ideas and fresh energy will help -- but the old guard, as demonstrated in the last meeting, are not just going to fade away quietly. We need emerging leaders who are informed, who think (and demonstrate same) and who have a healthy regard for and understand politics and the process.

In the most recent election, MBarry received 24,000+ votes... the next best vote getter was slightly over 1,000. THE VERY NEXT DAY, a serious candidate should have contacted his/her 1,000 (assuming they collected contact info) and had each of them contact 10 more and begin the work of identifying issues, increasing their base of support and working through the ward.

If there are individuals in the ward who are serious about becoming elected officials and have ideas about community building and organization


March 4, 2009 8:36 PM