Congress Heights on the Rise

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Urgh!!! This was a very weak move and so very disappointing. Would love to invite Councilman Graham over to some drug hotspots which have plenty of drug dealing disguised as loitering.

Who is looking out for MY civil liberties being violated? Loitering is preventing me from enjoying my community fully and safely.

Give the police the tools they need to do their job!!! When bad things happen people are quick to blame the police but what about blaming the politicians who are unable to provide the police with the tools they need?

And for that mother at the end of the clip - if your child was told to "move on" by a police officer and she chose not to follow that direction and got rowdy in the process - you may have bigger problems on your hands than an anti-loitering bill. Some young people have no respect for authority figures.

Please contact Councilman Graham and ask him to reconsider the loitering bill.
Jim Graham - Councilmember (Ward 1)
Suite: 105
Tel: (202) 724-8181
Fax: (202) 724-8109